Monday, May 4, 2015

Lessons From The Saw Mill: The Beatitude and Exodus teachings are live and on...

Lessons From The Saw Mill: The Beatitude and Exodus teachings are live and online...:

As promised, you can listen in on a great week of Biblical teachings on both the Exodus of Israel and also a detailed explanation of the Beatitudes by Bible teacher Drew Crowell.

Just visit our website at enjoy your learning!!!

These teaching would make great for personal, home group, and church studies. I encourage you to make good use of them!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up April 2015 - Who Muddied The Waters??

Discover Life: Wrapping Up April 2015 - Who Muddied The Waters??: What a month!!!  April was a fast and exciting 30 days.  I don't know where to begin.

Please the click the link above to follow along ... thanks for keeping up with us!