Friday, December 21, 2012

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

First and foremost I want to reassure you that our work here at Ask The Haz is not done.  We have been in a state of major transition as we continue to follow God's leading.  We are on a journey that has taken us from New Orleans ... so we are trying to settle in our new home and new environment.  I will be posting new answers to your questions soon ... keep them coming!

I am watching The Nativity with my children as I write this and in doing so have been suddenly motivated to write this.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oh Social Media!

I've been a Facebook member for a little over a year now, and I've debated with an acquaintance over the following question: As a Christian, is it acceptable to 'un-friend' someone on FB due to their distasteful posts? Or, should we become accepting of all of our FB friends and their unruly behavior because they are the ones who are in the most need of reading our scripture posts? 

I have 'un-friended' people who have consistently used profanity or have posted descriptive details of private situations. I don't want to read, see, or hear about such trash. Am I wrong to get rid of them?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This One Is On Me ...

I have been asked repeatedly over the span of my ministry how a person knows God is behind something.  I have researched scripture on the matter ... preached on it ... taught lengthy classes on following God's leading, etc.  In the end, there is a pretty clear indicator as to whether or not God is behind something you feel you are being compelled to do.  It is more of a question than a statement...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Question!!! A Friend In Trouble

Hi, I have a friend in a similar situation as you were in your younger days. He has fallen into a violent downward spiral and will reach rock bottom if he doesn't accept help. How can we help him see our savior the Lord as a beacon of hope for a better life?!

Friday, August 17, 2012

New Developments

I know that it has been a while since I made my last entry ... but I can assure you that it has been for good reason.  Let me also reassure you that this blog will not end ... we will continue to receive and answer your questions as well as pass along any noteworthy buzz from the world that we find worth reading and discussing.  With that said, humor me with you attention for a few more minutes!

Some of you may have received this as a message ... so for the rest to make this official ... and to remove any question ...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chris Asks The Haz: Chris Asks The Haz Episode 12 School Day Blues

Chris Asks The Haz: Chris Asks The Haz Episode 12 School Day Blues: Chris Asks The Haz Episode 12 School Day Blues Its a sad week in fake internet radio studios Chris was not able to be in studio. In case h...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This Deserves Attention: Mayor Landrieu's Reaction

In my opinion, Mayor Mitch Landrieu's remarks concerning the arrest of his son were spot on.  I couldn't ask for a better response from an elected official concerning the legal consequences of poor and illegal choices made and actions taken by their family members.  I am not in agreement with his political stances on certain issues, but this makes me stand back and salute in respect to what seems to be an honest and good man concerning the care for his son balanced with his responsibility to his city.  Read the story below ...

I took the liberty to bold his response...

This Deserves Attention!!! Good Samaritan in NY

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Today is one of my favorite days of the year to think and reflect about my life and the direction I see things going.  My wife and I will typically review our goals and see where we are in our journey ... it's just something we do.  In almost two decades of leading and couseling people in some way or form, I have answered many various questions about life and the like, but today I want to share a question that represents various questions I have received that all say the same basic thing: What is so special about our national anthem and what does it mean?  Well, here goes.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Website Question: 50 Shades of Grey

The “Twilight” series and “The Hunger Games” lured many pre-teens and teens into the hobby of reading. Many adults followed the fad as well, even into the movie theatres.

The current hype is an adult series called “50 Shades of Grey”, and its content is “explicitly” adult. Today, there was a news report about movie rights concerning the book. Clearly this movie would not be able to earn even an R rating. This book has been removed from the shelves of (some) libraries, yet it is flying off the shelves of bookstores nationwide.

What is your opinion of this phenomenon? Is this book an acceptable read, or is it a disaster in disguise?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

This Deserves Attention "You're Not Special."

This is the greatest graduation speech I have ever heard given from a faculty member to the graduating students ... it almost repeats perfectly what I have told my graduating students over the years ... you should read this!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Question: Mother's Day

This was a tough question asked of me ... the kind that breaks the heart.  But a person's deepest personal pain often paves the road to healing for so many others ... if they'll open it up to others ... so to the "asker" I say thank you for your honesty.

"How do I celebrate Mother's Day when my mother abandoned me?"

Monday, May 14, 2012

This Deserves Attention: Immigrant Janitor Graduates With Honors From Columbia University

 I tell my students (all of the time) that they are without excuse when it comes to being given every opportunity to strive for success. This is an excellent example of why...

 check it out :

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Want To Know The Power of His Resurrection

This study continues Paul's proclamation in Phi 3:8-11.  Paul discovered and taught that a life in Christ required the knowledge and application of these points.  This study picks up in the second point.  All four are important to have a healthy and effective walk in this world.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

From the News

Click the link ... this is something to watch.  I am surprised that the child's mother (I assume) thinks this is funny.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Want To Know Him (Sermon)

Paul hit the nail on the head when he spoke the following passage.  He had owned the seat of respect and power and willingly gave it up when he discovered the truth.  In the parable of the pearl, Jesus spoke of a man who found a pearl of great price (Matt 13:45) whose value was so great that he went and sold all that he had to purchase it.  That man's possessions and position were meaningless in that moment even though he had worked so hard to attain them ... that is what the truth does.  It sheds light on our priorities.  Paul figured this out ... so should we ... and if we do ... we will also find true joy in what others may see as insanity and a waste of time ....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

This Little Light of Mine ...

Hey!!! This is Pat Hazard ( of )!!! I will be sharing the outlines for various sermons I have written. Feel free to make good use of them as you best see fit. I believe they are excellent, factually and fundamentally correct sources of information that can be used for formal sermons (as I use them for) or for personal study (even better)... I would not offer them otherwise.

I hope this is of some assistance to you in your efforts to grow closer in the Lord. He loves us intimately and individually ... and what a great love He loves us with.